Thursday, August 20, 2015

Family of Three

How has it been two months?!?!?!?!  On a rainy day in June he was born.  After a long night of labor my little man was born on June 20th at 2:02pm.  Graham Joseph came into our lives three and a half weeks early weighing 6lbs. 15oz. and measuring 19in. long.

These past two months have been the best time of my life.  This little man has shown me what life is all about and all the things to look forward to in life.  I cannot describe or put into words the amount of love I have for him; for he is my world and my everything.

Trevor gave me this Black Tahitian Pearl necklace and a "Push Present" which is Graham's birthstone.  I am going to love sharing my birth month with him!
Photography by: Amy Dang Photography

Monday, August 10, 2015

Two and a Half

I feel like it was forever ago that I was pregnant! Time has a way of flying by too fast; my little man is now seven weeks old and I feel like he is about to start driving or leave the house to go to college any day now.  I like to look back on these pictures when we were a family of two and a half and see how much our lives have changed for the better since G-Man was born.

Photography By: Amy Dang Photography

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