Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thirty One Flavors

I have somehow found that I enjoy surprising people more than I like to be surprised.  Then again I have my ways of figuring things out, so I'm not sure of the last time I was truly surprised.  My favorite person to surprise is my husband.  I think it's becuase I know that man better then he knows himself so I tend to know what to get him that will give him a surprise. So with this birthday approaching this year here I am again with another surprise present.

His birthday this year falls on Thanksgiving so instead of giving him his gift on Thanksgiving I gave it to him a few days earlier to help him feel the seperation between the two holidays.  After last years "Thirty Favorite Things" birthday I had to top myself.  How does one top thirty presents? Give him thirty one!!!

Excuse the mess that is a kitchen remodel, and the
Halloween decorations that are still up in the middle of November!

Well I kind of gave him thirty one presents! He got a new Yeti cooler filled with Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors.  He has been enjoying eating a new ice cream flavor every night, and he was even sweet enough to give me my favorite Baskin Robbins flavor, Rainbow Sherbert.  I'm going to have to call this surprise a SUCCESS!
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