Saturday, March 9, 2013

Moving Postcards

What do you do on a dreary Saturday when you're sick?  Why catch up on your correspondence, that's what!  Man, I sound like someone in a Jane Austen novel.

After moving into a new house a question is presented of how to get your new address out to your friends and family.  Instead of making the impersonal text message, email, or Facebook post why not mail out your new address.  Plus who doesn't love getting stuff in the mail?

This is the second house that I have made my "New Address/Moving Postcards" and I just love them!

Making them is simple enough since after just moving you should have most of the supplies to make them.

Supplies Needed:
Fine Point Sharpie
Fragile Packing Tape
Postcard or Measuring tape
"New Home" Stamp (optional) 

First things first, cut up your moving boxes.  What I normally do is cut the closing folding flaps off (technical term), they make for good size and make for less cutting later on.

After cutting off the closing folding flaps of the boxes you will need another postcard for size comparison of just the measurements of a standard postcard, which is 4x6.  Then cut each postcard to size with the box-cutter on a hard surface and use an extra piece of cardboard as a mat.

Now I didn't exactly have the fragile packing tape when I moved so I had to go find it.  If you are like me and didn't use it either, here is a tip for finding it to purchase...UHAUL!!!  I went to seven places before finding it, I thought I should share. 

On the back side of the postcards place the tape and cut off the excess with a box-cutter. 

Since on postcards there is no need to write a return address make sure to include your new address with your name as well so your recipients know who it is coming from.  Also, the thickness of these postcards do not qualify to ship at a postcard rate with the USPS, so a first class stamp (forever stamp) is needed.  

Now the only thing left to do is move so you can make these!

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