Friday, February 8, 2013

Music to Art

So I discovered if I want to write "how to" blogs I need to have a better documentation of pictures, OOPS!

After replacing and refinishing the dresser for my guest room I felt compelled to give the room more of a facelift.  What better way to do that than with new art for the walls! Not wanting to spend a lot for new art I decided to make a piece instead.

After a long hunt for a large frame that didn't cost an arm and a leg I found this one at JoAnn's Fabrics for $20, SCORE 75% off!

Frame ($20)
Old Hymnal/Sheet Music ($1-Thrift Store)
Stencils ($2.99-Hobby Lobby)
Paint (Already Had)
Mod Podge (Already Had)
Stencil Sponges ($1.99-Hobby Lobby)

TOTAL: $25.98

Warning: This project may cause you to sing hymns all night long!
After selecting the hymns from the hymnal and ripping them out (I liked the ripped texture better) I placed them on top of the preexisting art piece once removed from the frame to reuse the cardboard.  After strategically placing He Arose and Majesty, among others, I Mod Podged (is that a verb?) the hymns into place and sealed them with Mod Podge as well.  After allowing the Mod Podge to dry I laid the stencils on top of the hymn and began to paint with the stencil sponges.  After fully drying I placed the art piece back into the frame and TA DA!

I love how it turned out!  The glare in these pictures is awful, this is even with the blinds closed and lights off!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

So long Particle Board!

Eurway...IKEA, same difference!  So when your goal is to replace all your IKEA (aka falling apart furniture) where do you start?  How about the dresser that stores nothing! The particle board drawer bottoms had fallen apart years ago and was not fixable due to the way the dresser was constructed.  We had tried to fix it once by attempting to gorilla glue the drawer bottom back into place, that fix lasted maybe a week before it broke again. Solution...replace it!!!

Now I could have gone to a furniture store and bought a new dresser, but where's the fun in that?

I found this solid wood dresser on Craigslist for $70.  The top was in rough condition, it didn't have drawer pulls, and it needed wood filler in numerous places; all things I could fix especially since I loved the lines of it.

With a little love, I mean mouse sander and elbow grease, I think my new dresser turned out great!  So long particle board dresser!

I'm thinking kitchen table next...

Much Love,

P.S. I think I said Particle too many times in this post, so They Might Be Giants' Particle Man is now stuck in my head.  Now let it be stuck in yours...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thrift Shop Challenge

Go to a thrift shop and spend $20, you don't have to tell me twice! Thanks Young House Love!

This shopping trip to Goodwill excited me because of the challenge itself since I love the song; but what excited me more was that this was my first shopping trip to hunt for new decor items and projects for my new home :)

And what is the challenge you might ask...

Step One: If you have yet to discover the awesomeness that is Thrift Shop by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, watch video
(Warning: Explicit Version)

Step Two: Accept Young House Love's Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge

Step Three: Go to Thrift Shop

With $20 in my pocket, I popped some tags!!!! :)

Step Four: Find items referenced in the Song
How about an all pink rack of all pink!

Double Score! Moccasin house slippers

A rack of big a$$ coats!

Step Five: Show off my spoils!
Some new lamps for the new casa, they need to be vamped up a little though

I didn't go into Goodwill thinking that this trip would be any different, I came out with a book, a dvd, and a LP!

Thanks Young House Love for the enjoyable challenge at the Thrift Shop!

Much love,

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